Student onboarding
You’re almost ready to start learning! Here’s what you need to know before diving into your classes.
We recommend adding this resource list to your Bookmarks for easy access.
Competency-based program checklist
This is your student portal, so you’ll want quick access to the MyPhoenix link anytime, anywhere. Stay up-to-date on your coursework and important notifications here.
Learn all about your online classroom with a guided new student orientation in MyPhoenix. Allow 30-60 minutes to complete this step.
Explore the essentials of going to school online in this 30-minute session with your onboarding representative. Book your appointment to navigate your online classroom, get help downloading Microsoft 365® for free, review online textbooks and more.
To be successful in the competency-based program, you need to develop a strategy for how you’ll progress in your classes, manage your time, set deadlines for your reflections and assessments, and learn at a pace that works for you. Create a progress plan that outlines how you’ll complete the tasks (e.g., reflections and assessments) in each of your courses for the entire 16-week block. You can choose either the Written Plan or the Pacing Guide to complete your plan. If you need help, contact your Faculty Mentor or Academic Counselor, who can help make recommendations on how to personalize your plan to best benefit you.
The Competency-based grading scale uses three grades: MA (mastered), ME (met) and NM (not met). It’s completely normal to see a grade of NM and have to resubmit an assessment. Don’t let that discourage you; you have three attempts to submit assessments and level up your grade (and your mastery of the material).
Don’t worry about registering for class — we’ll do that for you! Once you’re financially and academically cleared, you’ll automatically be enrolled in your classes. Your courses will typically be available the week prior to the start of classes (Thursday or Friday), after which you can view your schedule in MyPhoenix on your Academic Plan.
Your mentor will help welcome you to University of Phoenix and be available for support throughout your student journey. Schedule a time close to your start date to connect with your mentor, and continue to reach out for guidance any time as you navigate the path towards graduation!
Get your questions answered by enrollment representatives! Look for an email containing all the details; it should arrive about two weeks before your start date.
Video guides
Tips and resources
Expect to devote at least 15-20 hours per week to your education. That’s what it takes to be well-prepared.
Most successful students participate frequently.
Look for instructor feedback and use it to improve.
It’s important to find a quiet place where you can read textbooks, complete assignments and participate in class discussions.
Writing support, math resources and more can be found on
From faculty members, classmates and alumni to counselors and a team of dedicated advisors — you have an entire community rallying behind you.
Utilize it to improve, pay attention to participation and check for feedback from your instructor.
Stay on top of deadlines while you’re ahead.
Is it time to upgrade or get a new computer for your program? If so, check out computer purchasing to receive $100 off a laptop, which means you can get a computer for as low as a few hundred dollars.
Is it time to upgrade or get a new computer for your program? If so, check out computer purchasing to receive $100 off a laptop, which means you can get a computer for as low as a few hundred dollars.